Tessa Talks: Purposeful Lifestyle Development

Creating An Upward Spiral In Your Life w/ Behavioral Activation (My Favorite Brain Hack)

Tessa Spisak Season 6 Episode 75
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00:00 | 16:18

You know the drill - what you think creates what you feel, what you feel drives what you do,  what you do becomes your lifestyle, and your lifestyle IS your reality.

But what about when we are feeling... blah... unmotivated... stuck... discouraged... unable to stick to our plans... or life is just really taking it out of you?

The part of this cycle that we are focusing on in today's episode is this, the driving factors that cause how we ACT. To do so, we're tapping into a highly successful therapy modality called "Behavioral Activation".
We'll discuss how you can intentionally choose the direction of your life in an instant by getting into the habit of CHOOSING actions that stimulate an upward spiral of positivity, even when motivation seems to be playing hide and seek. (Of course, we will be breaking down exactly what this means and how to do it)

This episode is full of strategies for creating more control over your actions in a way that drives your life in the direction that YOU choose. 
Most importantly, a guide through the most crucial step of breaking the cycle of inactivity and low mood by taking the right intentional actions for ourselves.

The power of small acts of self-care and personal commitment have the power to transform your entire trajectory and help you up show up for yourself in the way you KNOW you can.

So join me this week as we discuss the power of transforming thoughts into purposeful action through Behavioral Activation!

Click here for quick links!
Website for coaching info: www.PurposefulLifestyleDevelopment.com
Reach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.com
Free Coaching in our Tiktok Community: https://www.tiktok.com/@coachtessa
Live: http://www.wellnesscoach.live/coaches/tessa-spisak
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CoachtessaPLD

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