Tessa Talks: Purposeful Lifestyle Development

How To Get Lucky: Becoming the Director of Your Life's Script

Tessa Spisak Season 6 Episode 74

Have you heard of the concept of co-creation of your reality?

You can think of this like switching from the role of an actor who has little control over the script, to moving into the director's seat in terms of your life.

This is about intentionally creating luck, and creating a space for luck and serendipitous little happenings to come to you!

This episode explores a new framework for looking at our perceived roadblocks,  insights to help you navigate them, and the potential to transform them into opportunities for success.

This conversation will challenge you to explore the possibility of changing your story for something better, and to get absolutely READY for exactly what you want out of this reality.

Are you ready to welcome a little magic into your life?

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Tessa Spisak:

This right here is the intentional creation of luck, of directing your reality to serve you in the way that you need to allow space for those serendipitous little somethings to seemingly fall right in your lap that make it all work out, when you make that switch from being an actor with little control over the script of your life and how it plays out into taking a seat as the director and intentionally changing that script. Hello, my loves, and welcome to the Purposeful Lifestyle Development Podcast, where we discuss all things thought, work and manifestation but we use neuroscience and the study of the brain to do so. I'm your host, tessa Spiesak. I'm a board certified practitioner, master life and health coach and seasoned executive speaker. If you're ready to create your highest value lifestyle and turn your dream life into a reality, you're in the right place. Let's get right in to today's episode. Hello, hello, my loves, and welcome back to the Purposeful Lifestyle Development Podcast. Thank you so so much for spending your time with me here today. If you tune in every week, I am honored to be part of your journey and get this chance to talk to you, and if you're new here, welcome. Thank you so much for joining in on our conversation and don't forget to hit subscribe so that you can stick around here with us.

Tessa Spisak:

And I want to continue on today with a conversation that we've been having over these last few weeks in this new season, about the practice of taking inventory of your life and using that information to check in, to make sure that we're headed in the right direction, towards the things that we want and we desire for ourselves, to the goals that we have for ourselves, but also noticing where we need to make those little shifts or changes to make our dream reality, the one that we're actually experiencing. Like I said here recently, your desires and your dream lifestyle should be happening in real life, not just trapped in your head as something that is nothing more than a nice visualization, and we've covered some good framework foundation work here, I think, over the last few weeks. So, side note, if you haven't listened yet, I would suggest listening to some of these latest episodes as part of the process. But I want to expand on to some additional territory here and clearly I'm excited for this. No backstory, no little chat, we're just jumping right in.

Tessa Spisak:

But I want to talk about the concept of co-creating in your reality with the universe. Just co-creation with what's going on and basically that's the point, when you recognize what is reality for you currently. What resources do you have available to you now to keep the parts you like, grow the parts you like, change the parts you don't? What are you going to do with those resources? How are you going to use them and where do you go from here? It's figuring out what you can do to move the needle, for you to do what you need to do, but also what you need to have faith in that everything you've done to set yourself up for what you want, that it's coming. It's sometimes dropping the need for the 100% knowing of how and just giving it all you've got and trusting that the rest will work out. The concept of co-creation you can think of it like switching from the role of an actor, who has very little control over the script that they're in, and moving into the director's seat in terms of your life. And I believe the most useful and important and crucial thing that you can do to actively take part in this co-creation of your desires and of your goals, essentially taking that role of director and intentionally moving or manipulating the script is by getting absolutely ready for the thing that you've been trying to create or bring about into your life the thing you're trying to manifest, getting so ready for it, that if you it were to fall into your lap tomorrow, if everything worked out for you to have it, that if you got it you could take off running with it.

Tessa Spisak:

And I don't think I've shared it here on the podcast, but I have a way of describing this that I think, explains exactly what I mean in a way that makes a lot of sense and you can really put whatever it is that you're manifesting or bringing into your life, that maybe you need a little bit of luck or you need something to happen outside of you for it to all work out. And that is by picturing you are planning a road trip. We're going to use this as an example. It's a long road trip, cross country think something like Florida, california, something like that. You're planning this road trip. However, with this road trip, there is one problem, and you can insert whatever problem here that you would like, but it's something that's standing between you and that goal of road tripping across the country. Maybe you don't have a car that can make it that far, maybe you don't have a place to stay, maybe you don't have the funds to do so, you don't have someone to go with you. Insert literally anything here and wait. Now I will interject. Maybe not actually literally. I've been using this example for years, so it doesn't take into account things like kids, but you know, just go with me here.

Tessa Spisak:

If this was you in this situation, that you're the one who wants to have this road trip across the country, you have two choices to make here. One choice is to act as someone who just follows the script, and the other choice is to move the direction of the script. And the first option and I think this is what a lot of people do if they haven't been taught otherwise or haven't really been introduced to another method is to look at this scenario and say man, I would love more than anything to grow to go on this cross country road trip for the week, but I don't have the right car, I don't have the place to stay, the funds to go, someone to go with me, whatever. And it stops there. It stays a wish, maybe it's still on their vision board and they say affirmations about being ready to go one day. But they saw that there was a roadblock and that thing succeeded at blocking them. They followed the script. But let's take that same scenario and have them act as the director, someone who is open to changing and moving the script.

Tessa Spisak:

This person still recognizes they don't have the car, the place to stay, the funds, whatever. But they don't intend to let that stay a roadblock. They're writing into the story one way or another that they will be road tripping across the country and they don't lose faith because of the roadblock. Instead, they get ready. They plan the trip. Where are we now? Let's say our current date it's mid-November. They decide something like okay, I don't have everything I need right now, but by mid-March, by springtime, I will. So they start planning this trip, despite the problem that they have, despite the roadblock. They plan out the destinations, they know the stops, they calculate how much everything will cost and how long it will take. They start getting into conversations about the fact that they're going. They're joining groups on social media or attending meetups to talk about tips for taking these trips, for gift-giving holidays. They ask for things that they need for this trip. It's their whole theme, from now until it's happening. This is so obvious.

Tessa Spisak:

But in what case do you think the trip is more likely to happen and actually come to fruition. The person who made the goal or, again, it technically isn't even a goal if you don't do anything to work towards it they made a wish. Or the person who actually set themselves up to go on this trip, again, say this is you. There's one thing standing between you and achieving this goal, one thing between you and this proverbial cross-country trip. Which scenario creates the ability for luck? Which one allows the perfect little something to fall into your lap for the situation to work out? It's clear, when we're getting ready for this thing to fall into our laps, it's much easier that it can actually happen. There's an avenue for this to actually take place Because, say it was the car, for example, say that you needed the vehicle that can take a drive that far. Which scenario is more set up for a lucky situation?

Tessa Spisak:

Something like getting into a conversation that someone says you know my partner's out of town for the week. I don't want the car to just be sitting there. If you pay for XYZ, you can borrow theirs. Or again, you're in conversation about it and someone just so happens to be working in a car loaner job, or they know someone who does, who can hook you up Something that's just synchronous like that. Or maybe you don't have a place to stay, yet somehow you end up in a conversation with someone who happens to have a home where you're going and they'd actually really love someone to house sit, or maybe they know someone who does. Or maybe your family all decides that they're going to chip in extra cash and give you that during gift giving season, right During the holidays. Or maybe they have a discount or points on a hotel that they'll trade you for something that they need or that they'd like instead. Or again gift giving season, maybe they're just saying I'll never go there. You have it right.

Tessa Spisak:

Obviously, this example gets a bit more clear as we go on and there's a thousand different variables that can be in play. But this is the intentional creation of luck by directing your reality to serve you in the way that you need for it to actually work out, for the serendipitous little somethings to seemingly fall out of the sky. Because if you didn't have this all planned out and you didn't talk about this, there's no chance that you could potentially end up in a situation where you could use a car or trade a car or know someone who can get you set up with a car. Or again, maybe someone happens to need house sitting where you're going, or they know a way that can get you closer to that thing that you want. Well, guess what, if you didn't have this all planned out and you didn't have everything in place, not only is it really unlikely to have this type of conversation, but it's not going to spark the same emotion, the same response from people, because you're saying I have all of this planned out, this is exactly what it's going to look like. They can really easily see themselves, or the situation can. Somehow it has a way for the pages to fall, for it all to fall into place. If this is still simply I would like to go on a road trip, well, these conversations aren't going to happen. These things aren't going, or it's much less likely that this luck is going to find its way to you. You have to create the space for it to go, and it doesn't matter what the goal is. I'm sure you do have something in mind, you know something that you were thinking of when you click this episode, or what you're setting out for in this week, and I know it might not be as easy to see as this example, but this is my point here when you're intentionally directing your energy and when you're choosing what you want to pay attention to, and when you're acting out your lifestyle and actively creating your reality.

Tessa Spisak:

I want you to take notice of just a few things. First, it's are you letting your life be directed by what is right now or are you willing to manipulate the script somewhere? Is there somewhere that you're already doing that? And second, the things that we see as roadblocks between the things that we have now and where we want to be or what we want to have. Are those actually roadblocks or are the opportunities for you to create a little luck or allow for a little luck to fall into place? Basically, are there things in your life that you have decided will keep you away from your goals and dreams and the things that you want?

Tessa Spisak:

And, if so, if you can recognize that, do you want to change that story to one where you're able to get around them? You have to be available to luck. That's how you get luck. You have to be open to the energy that you've created with every action that you take, being open that it's coming back to you in your most helpful ways. Being open to the possibilities or little synchronicities, is the only way that they can ever present themselves to you.

Tessa Spisak:

So this is my challenge for you this week. Your homework, my loves, is to ask yourself some of these questions. What are some of the things that you see as roadblocks between you and your desired reality, and is it possible that you can change that story to where they don't actually block you, that you are going to allow some luck to come in and get you around it regardless? Get curious about this and get curious about what would happen if you did get ready for everything you wanted to just fall into your lap. Are you set up right now to let it all work out in your favor?

Tessa Spisak:

Go through this, do some little mental exercises part of your inventory. You know where to find me if you need or want more help or a one-on-one blueprint building session for you specifically, and please let me know where you're able to let in a little magic this week. But all right, my loves, that's where I'll leave us today. I want to thank you so much for joining in on this conversation with me, and each week, every Monday, we're going to be posting a new episode, going a little bit deeper into the conversation of what you can do to train your brain on purpose to really allow for the lifestyle that you want to live. Until next time, my loves. In the meantime, here's to your health and your happiness.

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