Tessa Talks: Purposeful Lifestyle Development

You Need To Know About *Psychological* Self Care: This Creates Empowerment!

Tessa Spisak Season 5 Episode 67
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00:00 | 26:23

This episode is not about the "self-care" you're probably thinking of...
Today's conversation dives into psychological self-care, which is a different type of "self-care" that goes beyond the traditional bubble bath stereotype. This is what leads to personal growth, advanced personal development, and it works by tapping into your strength through radical self-love.

If ever find yourself giving so much of your energy away that there seems to be nothing left for you? The thought of taking more time for you feels "selfish"? Then get ready to take some notes today!!

The secondary discussion in this conversation: boundaries and the importance of boundary setting as a practice of self-care. (And of course, step-by-step on how to set them - I got you!)

The most important notes to take away today ****
 Radical self-care as a vital act of self-love and self-empowerment


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Reach me: info@purposefullifestyledevelopment.com
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